Program Outcomes

  • 识别所有的组成部分的书面音乐,直到印象派时代.
  • 表现出中等水平的钢琴演奏能力.
  • 对个人和团队的绩效实践有一个中等水平的理解.
  • 通过聆听,展示识别和弦进行和旋律的能力.
  • 对西欧和美国音乐史有初步的了解.

批判性思维技能:创造性思维、创新、探究、分析、评估、 综合信息,适当使用技术.

沟通技巧:有效地发展、解释和表达想法 through written, oral, and visual communication.

经验和定量技能:操作和分析数值数据或 observable facts resulting in informed conclusions.

团队合作:能够灵活地考虑不同的观点和工作 有效地与他人合作,在适当的时候采取主动,支持共享 purpose or goal.

社会责任:跨文化能力、公民责任知识; 以及有效参与地区、国家和全球社区的能力.

个人责任:强烈的职业道德和将选择、行动、 and consequences to ethical decision-making.

Career Information

拥有音乐副学士学位的学生的潜在就业机会 包括录音室录音,音乐制作,配乐制作,音乐创作, 音乐编曲、现场音乐表演、广播音乐表演、音乐教育、 音乐节目,音乐编辑,音乐制作,音乐业务,艺人发展 and more.

潜在的雇主包括娱乐场所,录音室,音频制作 公司、社区团体、剧院、广告公司、出版公司、 独立配乐制作人、乐队、音乐制作人等等.

Job and Wages


Recommended Program of Study
Course Title SCH
First Semester
EDUC 1300 Learning Frameworks  
MUSI 1311 Music Theory I  
MUSI 1116 Sight Singing and Ear Training I  
MUEN 12XX Ensemble (Instrumental or Vocal)  
MUAP 12XX Applied Music Lesson  
MUSI 1181 Piano Class I  
MUSI 1306Music Music Appreciation  
Second Semester
MUSI 1312 Music Theory II  
ENGL 1301 Composition I  
MUSI 1117 Sight Singing and Ear Training II  
MUEN 12XX Ensemble (instrumental or Vocal)  
MUAP 12XX Applied Music Lesson  
MUSI 1182 Piano Class II  
SPCH 1315 Public Speaking  
Third Semester
MUSI 2311 Music Theory III  
MUSI 1117 Sight Singing and Ear Training III  
MUEN 22XX Ensemble (Instrumental or Vocal)  
MUAP 22XX Applied Music Lesson  
MUSI 2181 Piano Class III  
ENGL 1302 Composition II  
HIST 1301 U. S. History I  
Fourth Semester
MUSI 2312 Music Theory IV  
MUSI 2117 Sight Singing and Ear Training IV  
MUEN 22XX Ensemble (Instrumental or Vocal)  
MUAP 22XX Applied Music Lesson  
MUSI 2181 Piano Class IV  
MUSI 1307 Music Literature  
MATH 1314/MATH 1332 College Algebra/Contemporary Math  

Recommended Program of Study: Certificate
course title sch
First Semester
MUSI 1303 Fundamentals of Music 3
MUSI 1310 American Music 3
MUSI 1181 Piano Class I 1
MUSP 12XX Applied Music Individual Instruction 2
MUSP 1202 Introductory Group Voice 2
MUSP 1242 Small Commercial Music Ensemble 2
Second Semester
MUSB 1305 Survey of the Music Business 3
MUSC 1211 Commercial Music Sight Singing and Ear Training I 2
MUSC 1213 Commercial Music Theory I 2
MUSC 1331 MIDI 3
MUSI 1182 Piano Class II 1
MUSP 12XX Applied Music Individual Instruction 2
MUSP 1242 Small Commercial Music Ensemble 2
Total   28

正规靠谱赌博软件获得的学分不超过60-66个学期(SCH) degree at Lamar University.



根据美国劳工部劳工统计局的数据,音乐家 can expect to earn a mean hourly wage of $32.49 per hour. According to the United 美国劳工部劳工统计局,音乐总监和作曲家 can expect to earn a mean hourly wage of $26.55 per hour. According to the United 美国劳工部劳工统计局,音乐总监和作曲家 can expect to have a 2.3%  job growth from 2012 – 2022. According to the United States 美国劳工部的职业一站式报告显示,音乐家有望获得18%的就业增长 in the state of Texas from 2012 – 2022.

How long will the certificate take?

It will take two semesters to earn the Music Certificate. 


学生可以在学习音乐的同时专注于商业音乐的特定领域 array of popular forms of music from rock to rap and country to Cajun; students work and develop skills in a variety of genres.


商业音乐项目有一个专门用于排练的音乐厅, 个人课程,小组课程,现场录音和现场表演.


有三个专业录音室可供所有学生使用 enrolled in the Commercial Music Program. In addition to the recording studios, Lamar 州立大学亚瑟港有一个基于Mac的音乐制作/编程实验室 a PC based music composition lab. 


您将可以使用行业标准的乐器,放大器,录音, editing and mixing equipment. You will be able to use an array of professional equipment 来自kong, Moog, Shure, Fender, Vox, Ampeg, Apple, Avid, JBL, Soundcraft, Yamaha等 more.

有没有学生练习室和练习乐器,我可以在两者之间使用 after classes?

有三个专门的隔音练习室供学生使用 Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. When class is not in session students 能在音乐厅和其他音乐教室练习吗. The Commercial 音乐课程为学生提供练习钢琴、鼓、打击乐、 keyboards, guitars, basses, amps, and microphones.  


如果你从证书课程开始,所有的课程都将转移到 degree program.

What types of courses are in the degree plan?

该学位课程包括音乐理论、钢琴、编曲、作曲、 music history, music production and music programming.

Do you have job placement assistance?

拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港分校确实提供就业援助.  The college has a job 所有学生在学校期间都可以访问的董事会.  Upon graduation, 你可以向职业介绍所提供一份最新的简历,他们会寄给你 it out to prospective employers. The faculty in the Commercial Music Department will 和你一起工作,让你知道符合你技能的职位.

Do you offer internships for this degree?

There are internship opportunities for all music students.  Typically during your 在校园的最后一个学期,你将在当地的表演工作室实习 地点,礼拜堂,社区组织或乐队.  This internship experience can be placed on your resume as professional experience. Many internships have led 到社交机会,兼职工作和全职工作.

Blas Canedo

Caleb Fontenot

Carl Richardson

Kenneth Q. Turner

American Music Association (AMA)

American Federation of Musicians (AMF)

Electronic Music Foundation Student Chapter (EMF)

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Associate of Arts



  • Dr. Blas A. Canedo-Gonzalez
  • Chair of Commercial Music, Visual and Performing Arts
  • 山姆和琳达·门罗表演艺术中心大楼144号办公室
  • 409-984-6547


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